Of all the Hawaiian islands, Kauai is by far my favorite. It boasts incredible mountain landscapes, crystal-clear water, quaint restaurants, and beautiful waterfalls. The locals are friendly and tourists don’t seem to linger around on the beaches as much as on Maui or the Big Island, which makes it seem a bit more untouched. This Kauai guide has a little…
Read the PostEver wonder what full time travel looks like? This past summer, Jacob and I had the idea to create a video that would highlight our favorite moments from the past two and a half years of non-stop traveling. I cannot believe how long I’ve kept this video a secret! We’ve been working on this video for so long — sourcing…
Read the PostIt’s that time of year again. Normally the end of the year sneaks up on me, and I start reviewing everything I still want to get done. This year feels a bit different. Though 2018 flew by, I can’t help but acknowledge how much we have done this year. I took on travel blogging as my full-time job at the…
Read the PostIf you read my post from earlier this month, you know this year was a big one for us. It’s also one of those years that completely flew by! Though our home base is now in Amsterdam, we spent most of 2017 traveling. Some of the places we visited were completely new to us (Romania, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic), and…
Read the PostIt’s been a little over a year since my last life update about our travels after leaving Los Angeles last year, to travel and move to Europe. And I’ll be honest — there’s been some changes! We’ve had more and more people reach out to us lately about how we did it and how we can afford to keep traveling.
Read the PostThere are some destinations you can visit over and over again, and Hanalei Bay in Kauai, Hawaii is one of those places. Jacob and I have gotten in the habit of flying out there at least twice a year to relax on the pristine beaches of the North Shore and enjoy the island life. Hanalei holds a special place in our hearts —…
Read the PostI’ve learned a lot from starting this blog just 7 months ago. What has surprised me the most (and still continues to) is the incredible community I’ve found in other like-minded travelers around the world, through social media and blogs. That’s why I’m thrilled that not one, but two, bloggers I adore have nominated us for the Liebster Award, which recognizes up-and-coming blogs and…
Read the PostIt’s been an amazing few months of traveling, but now that our road trip has come to an end and we’re settling into our home base in Amsterdam, we can’t help but reminisce on our favorite destinations to visit.
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