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Camera Gear I’m Using And Loving Right Now

When traveling I’m always trying to find ways to simplify the set up I’m using and make my camera bags lighter. While I own and use a variety of camera gear for different scenarios — this post breaks down even more travel photography gear — lately I’ve been downsizing and taking less camera gear with me. The main reason I’ve…

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How We Organize Travel Photos

Organizing travel photos can be a daunting task. If you’re like us, you might have photos from a trip taken 5 years ago that you never got around to doing anything with. Either the photos were never organized, they were imported into a different program, or they got moved off of your computer for lack of space. They might even…

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Why We Always Use A VPN While Traveling

One of the best parts about getting to travel together is learning from each other’s strong suits. I’m the planner when we travel, as Jacob can attest. I have a mental checklist of all the spots I want to check off on our trips. On the other hand, I’m terrible when it comes to organizing our photography gear and anything…

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How We Shoot and Edit Photos

Lately we’ve been receiving a lot of questions about how we take photos and achieve a specific ‘look’. It’s taken time to develop our own unique aesthetic and it’s still constantly evolving. Also, it’s a joint effort! Jacob takes the majority of our photos and has a wealth of technical knowledge that I don’t. On the other hand, I edit…

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How To Choose The Best Camera (And Lens) For Travel Photos

Jacob weighs in on how to choose the best camera and lens setup for travel photos. This is the first post of our new photography series — more to come! I’ve always been a little obsessed with camera gear, so I frequently get asked for recommendations by friends. Figuring out the right camera and lens setup for traveling has taken years. Since we…

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