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New York City

Hello 2020

The end of the year snuck up on me more than I’d like to admit. I typically use the holiday season to reflect on the past year, get inspired for what’s to come, and set personal goals. Instead, these past couple weeks I set aside my growing to-do list and obligations and opted to relax (as well as fight off…

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We’re Hiring!

This has been a busy month for us with travel, the launch of our website re-design, and now an announcement I’ve been looking forward to sharing: we’re hiring! Over the past few years as we’ve grown Find Us Lost, I’ve always wanted to turn it into an online resource where you can get inspired and plan your travels. Now, we’ve…

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Why We Always Use A VPN While Traveling

One of the best parts about getting to travel together is learning from each other’s strong suits. I’m the planner when we travel, as Jacob can attest. I have a mental checklist of all the spots I want to check off on our trips. On the other hand, I’m terrible when it comes to organizing our photography gear and anything…

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Reflecting On Our Travels and Our Move to NYC

It’s been over 6 months since my last update, and over 3 years now since we moved abroad. I really enjoy sharing what we’ve been up to so that if you’re thinking of uprooting your life, you can at least get a glimpse of what it’s been like for us! What’s crazy is that this all began from the moment…

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Blogging Q&A Vol. 1

I recently shared some behind-the-scenes of my day on Instagram, including a note to send me any questions you might have about blogging. The response was overwhelming! It made me realize that there is still so much ‘mystery’ about blogging full time, what an average day is like, and how bloggers make money from it. After responding to as many…

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