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Blogging Q&A Vol. 3

Greetings from Prague! On my last Q&A I answered your questions about ways to monetize a blog, choosing between trendy versus lesser-known destinations, and what to pack for winter in Europe. You can read Q&A Volume 2 here, and Q&A Volume 1 here if you missed our first post of the series. Every few weeks I invite you to submit questions…

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Blogging Q&A Vol. 2

I can’t believe it’s already October! This year is flying by, and there are so many updates and new posts I’ve been wanting to share with you. As you might have heard, we recently announced that we’re hiring! This is a really exciting (and very busy) time for us, and I’m really looking forward to the next phase and getting…

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Blogging Q&A Vol. 1

I recently shared some behind-the-scenes of my day on Instagram, including a note to send me any questions you might have about blogging. The response was overwhelming! It made me realize that there is still so much ‘mystery’ about blogging full time, what an average day is like, and how bloggers make money from it. After responding to as many…

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Why We’ve Decided to Change Our Name on Instagram

A couple weeks ago, Jacob and I made the decision to change our Instagram account. Specifically, we decided to update our account from having both our names, to just listing mine — Selena Taylor. Since starting @finduslost, a lot has changed — both with us, and with Instagram as a platform. Before I dive into the reasons we made this…

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How We Shoot and Edit Photos

Lately we’ve been receiving a lot of questions about how we take photos and achieve a specific ‘look’. It’s taken time to develop our own unique aesthetic and it’s still constantly evolving. Also, it’s a joint effort! Jacob takes the majority of our photos and has a wealth of technical knowledge that I don’t. On the other hand, I edit…

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How To Choose The Best Camera (And Lens) For Travel Photos

Jacob weighs in on how to choose the best camera and lens setup for travel photos. This is the first post of our new photography series — more to come! I’ve always been a little obsessed with camera gear, so I frequently get asked for recommendations by friends. Figuring out the right camera and lens setup for traveling has taken years. Since we…

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