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full-time travel

Why We Always Use A VPN While Traveling

One of the best parts about getting to travel together is learning from each other’s strong suits. I’m the planner when we travel, as Jacob can attest. I have a mental checklist of all the spots I want to check off on our trips. On the other hand, I’m terrible when it comes to organizing our photography gear and anything…

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This Is The Travel Item I Use The Most

I frequently get asked what my most-used travel item is. Though my mind immediately goes to our travel photography gear (of course, we couldn’t do our jobs without it), my must-have for any trip is my Amazon Kindle. I use it every single day when I’m traveling. It took me a long time to get on board with using a Kindle, but it’s…

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Full-Time Travel: 3 Months In

As some of you know, Jacob and I announced in July that we were leaving Amsterdam to travel full-time. For the past few months we’ve been traveling more often than we were home. Being present when we returned to our home base in Amsterdam was hard. It was a logical move to give the full-time travel lifestyle a shot. After…

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