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east coast

White Linen Pants in Hardwick, Vermont

Outfit details: Faithfull White Linen Pants; Anthropologie Ruffled Top; white cableknit sweater (similar here); Matisse boots. I’ve been getting more into style lately. Maybe it’s because we’re in New York, or maybe it’s because I’m still without many clothes (most of our belongings are in storage in Amsterdam!). Whatever the reason, I was inspired to bring this off-the-shoulder white top and…

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Vermont Treehouse Airbnb: A Weekend Getaway from NYC

Stay details: Vermont Treehouse Airbnb in Hardwick, Vermont. A 5.5 hr drive from New York City. I’ve been craving snow more than ever this year. Since living in Amsterdam, I’ve been more aware of how experiencing a new city can be so different depending on the time of year. Some of my favorite trips in the past couple years of…

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| Accommodation, Destinations

Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

If you read my post from earlier this month, you know this year was a big one for us. It’s also one of those years that completely flew by! Though our home base is now in Amsterdam, we spent most of 2017 traveling. Some of the places we visited were completely new to us (Romania, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic), and…

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