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Introducing Find Us Lost Prints

  I’ve been dreaming of this day for years, and it’s finally here — introducing Find Us Lost Prints. Over the past few years I’ve played around with the idea of creating a print shop. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2020 that I set it as a goal for the year. At the time, I had no idea we…

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We’re Hiring!

This has been a busy month for us with travel, the launch of our website re-design, and now an announcement I’ve been looking forward to sharing: we’re hiring! Over the past few years as we’ve grown Find Us Lost, I’ve always wanted to turn it into an online resource where you can get inspired and plan your travels. Now, we’ve…

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Full-Time Travel: 3 Months In

As some of you know, Jacob and I announced in July that we were leaving Amsterdam to travel full-time. For the past few months we’ve been traveling more often than we were home. Being present when we returned to our home base in Amsterdam was hard. It was a logical move to give the full-time travel lifestyle a shot. After…

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Enter Our September Travel Giveaways!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our giveaways! This giveaway series is now closed, but you can follow along on @finduslost to be notified of upcoming giveaways. It’s been over 2 years since we started @finduslost on Instagram, and in celebration, we’ve decided to run a giveaway series! We’ve been so fortunate to travel to so many amazing destinations over the…

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From 9-to-5 Jobs to Travel Bloggers: Our 2 Year Update

Back in January I wrote about how our lives had changed in a year and a half since moving from Los Angeles to Amsterdam. The post covered how we got to where we are now, with a month-by-month progression of how we turned travel into our full-time job. Since you all loved the timeline (it turned out to be one…

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Traveling and Living Abroad: Our 1.5 Year Update

It’s Monday morning, and I’m currently writing from my favorite coffee house in Amsterdam, Sweet Cup. I can’t believe it’s been a year and a half since we moved to Europe and found an apartment in Amsterdam to call home. It’s hard for me to transport my life back to what it was in 2016 before we left to travel. If…

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Welcome To The New Find Us Lost: Here’s What To Expect

The end of the year always has me reflecting on how I want to start out the next one. And 2017 has been a big one for me – Jacob and I made the decision to keep traveling and living in Amsterdam, we officially started a new business together, and…we got married! (Yes, still eagerly awaiting our wedding photos to prove…

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