Three years ago we set off on the Europe road trip that changed everything. We left home, started an Instagram to share photos with friends and family, and took off hit some undiscovered spots in Europe alongside a few favorites we’d made it to in the past. At the time, we had no idea this was the start to an…
Read the PostIf you’ve been following along on our journey for a while, it probably comes as no surprise to hear me say that I love Europe. Ever since I was young, I was enamored with the idea of living abroad and traveling to a different European country every month. Cities in Europe just seemed more romantic than anywhere else I’d been…
Read the PostI’ve been getting a lot of questions lately on how I made the decision to leave my life in L.A. to travel and move to Europe. This is the story of how I got there.
Read the PostThis goes without saying, but the first thing everyone thinks about when they hear about people who travel for a living is: how do they afford it? And I don’t blame them! It’s the biggest question I have when I’m getting major wanderlust from someone’s travel photos. How could they afford to go there? How did they pay for the flights?…
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